Reinstatement of COVID-19 Mask Requirement

Our President and Owner, Scott Carr, shared the following information with our employees as the number of positive COVID-19 cases continues to rise in geographic areas around our network.
Over the last few weeks, we have seen a tremendous increase in positive COVID-19 cases in geographic areas around our warehouse network. The delta variant is highly contagious, and cases of COVID-19 are on the rise again.
During the last year, we were very successful in keeping our employees safe as a result of weekly sanitizing routines in our buildings, the use of hand sanitizers, temperature screenings, and the requirement of employees and visitors to wear masks in our buildings.
It is extremely important that we continue to keep our employees safe while working at our facilities, and masks are one of the best ways that we can do this. With that said, we are reinstating our mask requirement for employees at all facilities on Friday, August 13, 2021.
This mask requirement will not only be mandatory for employees and temporary workers, but for anyone entering our facilities. Each facility will be receiving an allotment of masks, but if you need more please contact Brenda Settles and Barbara Woodall.