
Our technology keeps us on the forefront of logistics innovation

We provide quick and easy access to your data utilizing the most up-to-date systems, technology, and web visibility tools. Early on, a strategic decision was made to integrate best-in-class software packages to deal with the unique requirements of our core business units. We house our core servers at a world-class data center to ensure that your data is protected and that you have 24/7 access to it. IoT devices, RF Scanners, tablets, and bar code label printers coupled with wireless warehouses allow for real-time data exchanges and inventory optimization. Our customer web portal provides complete, real-time visibility to your inventory to help you process orders and forecast for the future.

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Cadence Warehouse Management Software (WMS) provides us with the information that we need to accurately organize and manage your inventories, orders, shipments, and workflow. Powered by Cadre Technologies, a leader in software solutions for the 3PL industry, Cadence interacts with client systems (ERP, EDI) and seamlessly syncs with our client web portal to provide instant visibility to your inventory. Cadence improves the data collection process in our warehouse locations and increases inventory continuity between all locations.

PackManager, a cloud-based packaging software from Nulogy, is specifically built to manage the complexity and challenges of contract packaging.  It allows us to effortlessly integrate inventory with production to help manage operations, cut costs, save time, and better forecast.  PackManager ensures timely and accurate receipts once the project starts.  We can track lots and expiries from receipt, through production and shipments.  It also provides our customers real-time visibility to see what’s going on with their projects.

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BrokerWare Transportation Management Software (TMS), from 3PL Systems, features over 80 LTL carrier integrations while clients can login through their portal and run truckload/LTL rates and choose their own carrier. The portal allows for clients to track their loads, check on invoices, POD’s and more. BrokerWare gives real-time visibility, robust API availability, shipping tracking integrations and more. The power is yours all at your fingertips! Time is critical and anything that can reduce research times can produce cost-effective results.

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Managing data is as important as managing inventory, which is why Bonded Logistics chose Flexential to house and manage our data center.  Flexentialʼs Cloud Plus, which is SSAE 16, SOC 1 Type 2, SOC 2 Type 2, SOC 3 Type 2, and ISO 27001 compliant, improves performance and reliability, lowers costs, and maximizes our internal resources.  The use of Flexentialʼs Cloud Plus allows us to enhance the scalability and security of our infrastructure, supplying updated platforms to host our critical mission applications and boost disaster recovery capabilities.

Client Web Portal

Our proprietary customer web portal, BLI Web, is available to our customers to provide real time visibility to inventory balances, inbound and outbound order status and shipment information. Standard and customizable reports are available to allow information to be extracted and stored on your PC for evaluation or sent via email for quick and easy viewing.  Accurate and timely information is crucial as our clients process orders as well as forecast for the upcoming quarter and year.

Available reports include:

  • Sales orders / shipments
  • Purchase orders / receipts
  • SKU inventory
  • Carrier tracking
  • SKU activity history
  • Inventory balances, both current and historical

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System Integration

Systems integration has become a critical component to the success of our warehousing operations.  We built our warehouse management system to seamlessly integrate with our client’s ERP systems using EDI transactions.  This means faster processing times, improved data quality, increased order accuracy, better customer service, a reduction in returns, along with continuous process improvement.  Whether it’s a distribution customer sending transactions through Oracle ERP, or an e-commerce client sending XML orders through Shopify, our systems are optimized to fully integrate any system our customers are utilizing.

Data Analytics

Bonded Logistics has the ability through data analytics to identify supply chain trends for our customers. Utilizing best-in-class systems, we mine data from an array of databases to identify fast movers, seasonal products, out-of-stock orders, and much more as requested. This helps to better manage inventory, supply chain logistics, and freight costs that improve the bottom line. We also develop customized key performance indicators (KPIs) to address specific data analytics needs in addition to our standard KPIs that monitor inventory accuracy, on-time receipts, and on-time shipments to name just a few. We are even introducing business intelligence tools that aggregates data from multiple sources to discover hidden supply chain insights.

IoT Technology

Bonded Logistics is creating an IoT (Internet of Things) environment across our vast network. This is just one way we try to separate ourselves from the competition. Connected devices around our facilities constantly feed us information to optimize operations for our customers as well as streamline the way we do business. These include forklifts mounted with fleet management software, tablets for quick and accurate physical inventories, remote temperature sensors for monitoring temp-controlled rooms, and electronic signature pads for tracking and security.

Glass Warehouse Initiative

Visibility and transparency were made top priorities across all of our facilities through the Glass Warehouse Initiative. Introduced in 2012, it breaks down into three key areas of focus – deploying advanced systems, state-of-the-art technology, and valuable data analytics. Each plays an integral part in creating valuable insight into our client’s supply chain logistics, from receiving and shipping to physical inventories and data analysis.

Maintaining compliance with retailer requirements helps reduce chargebacks, fines, and penalties when shipping orders for our customers. Bonded Logistics strictly follows retailer compliance procedures and guidelines using robust technology that integrates with operations on the warehouse floor. Retailer compliance takes on many aspects for us, including pallet type and design, bar code design and labeling, and shipping method or documentation. We utilize EDI to help ensure order accuracy, proper routing information, and correct advanced shipping notices (ASNs).

Retailers that we maintain vendor compliance for and regularly ship to are listed below: