Mask Requirement In All Common Areas

Over the last few weeks, as the state of North Carolina has started easing COVID-19 restrictions, we have taken a closer look at what we can do from an operations standpoint to further protect the health and safety of our employees.  Up until now, we have designated that masks were only required in the warehouse due to the close proximity of workers.  However, after more time spent looking at operations, we realized that the close proximity is happening in facility common areas as well.

With that said,we will now require masks be worn in all facility common areas starting today, Monday, June 1, 2020.  This will not only be mandatory for employees, but for anyone visiting our facilities.  You should have received an allotment of masks from your Manager or Supervisor, but if you find you need another please let them know.  Also, we will make available through James King, our Safety Manager, an allotment of disposable face masks for any visitors that might need them.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to work through how to fight this ongoing coronavirus pandemic.  The more we can do together to further prevent the spread, the better chances we have of keeping all of us safe and healthy.